1875.09.28 English


      I very much regret having to convey to you the sad news that our Lord this morning at seven o’clock called your dear little son home. Until a few days ago he was a healthy and strong boy, already making good progress in school, but then he – together with another small boy still hospitalized - suddenly fell ill with virulent acute catarrhal laryngitis, currently raging in this town.    May you and your wife find comfort in your grief knowing that our Saviour has spoken also about your son: the children shall belong to the Kingdom of God.     He is to be buried from the hospital at the expense of the Institute within 6 days, at the earliest. As soon as possible, I will send you the clothes he brought from home.



28/9  75           R.H.M.



To Smallholder Jens Jensen, Veierslev, Randers